November 15, 2014

Eight students from the Sikeston Junior High School were selected for the Junior High All-District Choir recently. Earning the honors were, front row from left: eighth graders Paige Crumpecker, Meghan Hill and Robert Rodriguez; and Cooper Hill, seventh grade; and back row: eighth graders, Dalton Duncan, Ella Crader and Sanarra Whitney. Also honored was eighth grader Lilly Powell...

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Eight students from the Sikeston Junior High School were selected for the Junior High All-District Choir recently. Earning the honors were, front row from left: eighth graders Paige Crumpecker, Meghan Hill and Robert Rodriguez; and Cooper Hill, seventh grade; and back row: eighth graders, Dalton Duncan, Ella Crader and Sanarra Whitney. Also honored was eighth grader Lilly Powell.
