I noticed that my six-year-old daughter had a large bruise on her arm. When I asked her how she got it, she replied, "It's not a bruise, Daddy. It's a message." When I asked again how it happened, she said, "Well, I was jumping on the couch even though you told me not to, and I fell off and hit the table. That's when I finally got the message."
Have you ever noticed that some people, young or old, just don't get the message until the consequences arrive? God has given all of us a free will to make choices including the choice of salvation. To many of us the choice is obvious, but to some, the choice to follow God and His teaching is not so clear. As Christians, the world is supposed to recognize us by the love we have for each other. Imagine how confusing it must be when the lost world sees people who claim to be Christians, causing trouble, fighting and living their lives that proclaim everything must be my way. Simply attending church on Sunday does not make you a Christian. Please don't be a wolf in sheep's clothing, if you call yourself a Christian make sure that you have a personal relationship with Jesus and then act like it. That doesn't mean that we won't make mistakes, but we should be found trying to live the Christian life each day. Please do not be mistaken, if we don't, the message of salvation will not be heard.
Matthew 7:21 Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.
Steve Bradford
First Baptist Church
608 DeLisle
Portageville, MO 63873
573-379-5340 - voice