I have a question. If you drive a vehicle with disabled tags, but you're not disabled just the one driving it, is it legal to park in a handicapped parking spot? I've seen this a few times in Sikeston. People were driving the vehicle with handicapped signs but they weren't handicapped. Is that legal?
As long as you have the disabled tag, it is legal to park in handicapped parking. If you are using it when you don't need to, that's between you and your conscience.
I need a little help. Is there anybody that can help me understand something? A nationwide franchise restaurant in the area has so many policies that the manager does not have the authority to turn down the volume on the music so the customers can talk or adjust the thermostat if it's too hot or too cold to make the customers comfortable. Any ideas are welcome.
I just saw on the news where they are giving out stuff for Christmas to the people in Ferguson, mostly children. If those stupid parents would have been out there working instead of out their rioting they could've done more for their children. All they care about is rioting, ripping up and tearing up. Tearing up those businesses in town, how is that gonna help anybody? Especially the children. I don't understand people that act stupid like that. I know there are a lot of people that need help that work hard every day and that's wonderful. The children in Ferguson can't help what their parents do, but that's ridiculous. Get your butts to work instead of standing out on the street a fussing, cussing, ranting and rioting.