County officials take their respective seats

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Several New Madrid County officers participated in the swearing in ceremony that took place on Friday, January 2, at the courthouse. From left are, Dewayne Nowlin, Collector of Revenue; Josh Underwood, Associate Circuit Judge; Kim St. Mary Hall, Recorder of Deeds; Andrew C. Lawson, Prosecuting Attorney; Steve Riley, Treasurer; and Clement Cravens, who conducted the ceremony. Also sworn in, but unable to attend ceremony: Mark Baker, Presiding Commissioner; and Marsha Meatte Holiman, Circuit Clerk.

"With Baker's term of office as Presiding Commissioner began on New Year's Day, Jan. 1, 2015, I will notify the Governor's office about the vacancy for the remainder of the District 1 Associate Commissioner's term and an appointment will need to be made by the Governor," said County Clerk Clement Cravens.

The Democratic Central Committee will be able to submit names for consideration for the appointment but the Governor can appoint anyone he chooses if he doesn't approve of the committee's recommendation, Cravens noted.

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