Scott City council discusses joint 911 call center with Sikeston

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

SCOTT CITY (SMNS) -- At Tuesday night's Scott City City Council meeting the main topics of discussion centered around the possibility of working regionally with other police departments to begin a 911 call center, street improvements and cleaning the city cemetery.

City administrator Ron Eskew brought to the council the possibility of working with the Sikeston Department of Public Safety on a 911 control center. He said Scott County Presiding Commissioner Jamie Burger approached him about the idea.

Mayor Tim Porch pointed out city tax dollars would not support the center and that an agreement with mobile phone companies would have to go into effect before it would be possible. The council agreed and Eskew was asked to get more details on the possible project.

Other business

The council agreed to send a check for approximately $247,000 to the Missouri Department of Transportation so it can begin plans for improvements to Route K and Main St. MoDOT will be offering a bid in March and the city is hopeful construction will begin at the beginning of summer. Plans are in place to add a center turn lane to the road, widen it and improve drainage issues.

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