
Sunday, February 15, 2015

When I first started writing this column some 37 years ago, many of those early efforts were personal in nature. I rambled about raising kids and trying to nudge my way into the news business in my hometown.

I often wrote about the joys of sharing the antics of T-ball and dance and the wide range of issues that impact young lives.

But as the years raced by, I found myself gravitating to the world of politics and the boneheaded decisions made daily by our elected officials.

Of course, it goes without saying that the Obama years have provided more than their share of political fodder for this column.

Today, however, allow me briefly to return to a much more personal and brief comment or two.

Today -- Sunday, Feb. 15 -- for those reading this on Saturday -- I am getting married.

Teresa, my best friend, and I will march down that proverbial aisle and start our life together.

Marriages later in life are special for a variety of reasons. At this point in our lives we have long accepted our mutual interests and mutual dislikes. From early morning coffee to late night HGTV, we have become a boring couple -- just like many of you.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

What's somewhat surprising is that we're nervous.

I had expected lots of different emotions but quite frankly, a case of the nerves was not what I had expected.

I am a longtime worrier but a case of the nerves has never been a concern.

At my age, I am discovering tidbits I never expected.

Who knew the color of the reception punch must match the color of the wedding ensemble? Or who knew that it would takes hours and hours to select one simple song to make that march down the aisle?

I am overjoyed to share this special day with my children and grandchildren. And I am more than blessed to be welcomed by new brothers- and sisters-in-law, a new daughter along with a mother- and father-in-law.

So the countdown has begun, the church and minister are ready, the marriage license is official and the honeymoon is well planned.

Teresa will be beautiful and the day will be special. That much is certain.

I hope you don't mind me sharing this personal column. But since I make my way into your home each week through this column, I do hope in some small way you share the excitement, joy and love that Teresa and I are feeling today.

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