The Bible says in Hebrews 13:14, "For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come." This verse speaks of the fact that we as Christians are children of the King who has redeemed us and has made us citizens of another country. We are pilgrims in this world traveling the road to heaven. Christ's blood has covered our sin and his word abides in our hearts and we are pilgrims passing through, seeking a city that is yet to come.
The verse also points out a problem. The problem is, "For here have we no continuing city." This world and its lusts are all passing away. This world is but a modern tower of Babel built by man for vainglory and is destined for destruction. Things are not getting better in this world but instead are deteriorating in a downward spiral toward destruction. A person's life here is only a vapor. This world is anything but lasting.
But this verse speaks of the focus that we Christians are to have when it says, "But we seek." What is it that we are seeking? It is the Savior and his heavenly kingdom. He is our life and his city is the haven of rest that we are destined for. We do not care for the things of this world which are but passing shadows. We do not care for Wall Street, Hollywood, or Las Vegas or any other place in this old world. Our affections are set on things above (Colossians 3:1-2).
The verse speaks of that as well, "but we are seeking the city which is to come"(NASB). Think about that city which is to come. It is infinitely better than this world. There is no sin, sickness, suffering, disease, or death. Jesus reigns there forever and ever. When we reach that city we will see his nail scarred hand and his pierced feet. We will look upon his beauty and glory. We will worship him forever and forever. What tremendous glory awaits the child of God in that city which is to come.
Are you longing for and seeking after that lasting city? I pray that you will forsake this old wicked world and enter through the narrow gate and walk the narrow path that leads to life. His name is Jesus and all who repent of their sin and trust him as personal Savior and Lord will one day join Him in that beautiful city. Remember God loves you and so does First Baptist Church.