March 6, 2015

January 2015 Monthly Report Fire Department City Incidents- 5 1-2-15: Firemen responding- 8; Location- 208 West 6th St.; Smoke Scare. 1-5-15: Firemen responding- 5; Location- Casey's General Store; Gas Spill. 1-6-15: Firemen responding- 9; Location- Sonic Drive-In; Outside Grease Storage Box...

January 2015

Monthly Report

Fire Department

City Incidents- 5

1-2-15: Firemen responding- 8; Location- 208 West 6th St.; Smoke Scare.

1-5-15: Firemen responding- 5; Location- Casey's General Store; Gas Spill.

1-6-15: Firemen responding- 9; Location- Sonic Drive-In; Outside Grease Storage Box.

1-11-15: Firemen responding- 11; Location- 207 West 11th St.; Structure Fire.

1-17-15: Firemen responding- 12; Location- Between Lakeview and Railroad; Grass Fire.

Rural Incidents- 0

First Responders

City Incidents- 3

1-6-15: Responders- 4; Location- 700 East 7th St.; Lift Assist.

1-25-15: Responders- 4; Location- First Church of God; EMS Assist.

1-28-15: Responders- 6; Location- 302 Haynes Dr.; EMS Assist.

Rural Incidents- 2

1-18-15: Responders- 1; Location- 470 County Rd. 315; Lift Assist.

1-18-15: Responders- 3; Location- Canceled En Route.

Mutual aid- 0

Extrications - 1

1-11-15: Firemen Responding- 11; Location- County Rd. 248; Vehicle Accident.

The regular monthly meeting of the Portageville Fire Department was held January 26, 2015 at the Portageville Fire Station with 12 members present. Discussion consisted of runs made during the month, equipment was checked and a new hose was loaded on a fire truck.

signed, Bill Foster, Chief
