March 6, 2015

February 2015 Monthly Report Fire Department City Incidents- 7 2-6-15: Firemen responding- 8; Location- 204 East 3rd St.; Smoke Scare. 2-13-15: Firemen responding- 10; Location- 409 Robin Lane; Structure Fire. 2-16-15: Firemen responding- 5; Location- Hwy. 61; Traffic Control...

February 2015

Monthly Report

Fire Department

City Incidents- 7

2-6-15: Firemen responding- 8; Location- 204 East 3rd St.; Smoke Scare.

2-13-15: Firemen responding- 10; Location- 409 Robin Lane; Structure Fire.

2-16-15: Firemen responding- 5; Location- Hwy. 61; Traffic Control.

2-17-15: Firemen responding- 3; Location- Hwy. 61; Traffic Control.

2-20-15: Firemen responding- 10; Location- 809 R Foster Ave.; Structure Fire.

2-21-15: Firemen responding- 3; Location- 809 R Foster Ave.; Rekindle.

2-26-15: Firemen responding- 8; Location- 201 East Main St.; Assistance to Police Department.

Rural Incidents- 8

2-2-15: Firemen responding- 8; Location- 36 Rhonda Lane; Structure Fire.

2-11-15: Firemen responding- 7; Location- 836 East State Hwy. T; Grass and Brush Fire.

2-12-15: Firemen responding- 6; Location- 1026 State Hwy. KK; Electrical Fire.

2-12-15: Firemen responding- 4; Location- 836 East Hwy. T; Grass and Brush Fire.

2-16-15: Firemen responding- 7; Location- Northbound I55 at MM 34; 10-50 with 2 Semi-Trucks.

2-16-15: Firemen responding- 7; Location- Northbound I55 at MM 37; 10-50 with Multiple Vehicles.

2-16-15: Firemen responding- 7; Location- Northbound I55 at MM 37.2; 10-50 with Multiple Vehicles.

2-22-15: Firemen responding- 8; Location- 488 State Hwy. YY; Structure Fire.

First Responders

City Incidents- 3

2-1-15: Responders- 3; Location- Lake View Apt. #25; EMS Assist.

2-3-15: Responders- 4; Location- Lake View Apt. # 63; EMS Assist.

2-26-15: Responders- 3; Location- 200 East 3rd St.; EMS Assist.

Rural Incidents- 0

Mutual aid- 0

Extrications - 0

signed, Bill Foster, Chief
