I just heard on the national news that a man and his 7 children died because he ran a generator inside his house to heat it. And that they died due to carbon monoxide poisoning. This isn't the first time I've heard of this happening. Isn't it time responsible store owners, managers or the actual manufacturers of these devices require a short educational session on how to use them before they leave the store? With extreme stress being put on the fact that misuse can kill you. Many people in our busy world will not take the time to read the instructions on their own.
On my way home tonight from work, I was listening to the Grand Old Opry that had been prerecorded. Larry Gatlin, a county singer, introduced his younger brother and he sang a song. Before he sang it, he said he wanted to give a testimony. He said he had married a beautiful wife, and on their wedding night they did not move into a house, they moved into a home. He said another thing, she had children from her previous marriages and these children were not his stepchildren, they were bonus children. I thought that was very kind of him to mention them as bonus children and not stepchildren. He sounds to me like he is a very nice man. He ended his song and reminded everyone that he was a husband, a Christian man and a Dad. I hope everyone out there that reads this article will think, yea, they are not stepchildren they are bonus children. They are children that have been born from previous marriages and they have just as much right to have a good life as your own children. God bless all the parents that have stepchildren that think of them as their own.