Annual Kids' Fishing Derby will be May 16

Monday, April 27, 2015

SIKESTON - The annual Kids' Fishing Derby, sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Division, will be from 8-11 a.m. May 16 at the Recreation Complex Lake.

This event is open to all youngsters age 15 and under. There is a $1 per child fee, with a limit of one fishing pole per child. Each child must provide his or her own fishing pole and bait. Small children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

According to officials, children may be assisted by an adult, however, children should do their own fishing as much as possible. However, they emphasized, the event is not for adults.

The lake will open to public fishing at the close of the Fishing Derby at 11 a.m.

Children will compete for prizes in two age categories:10 and under, and 11 to 15. Prizes will be awarded for the biggest fish caught, and the most pounds weighed in within a five fish limit in each age group. Also, attendance prizes will be given away throughout the morning.

For more information on the Fishing Derby, call Jiggs Moore at 475-3725.

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