I want to speakout about Noranda getting their rate deduction. Are the big executives still gonna get their million dollar bonuses? And also, is the union giving up anything to keep the plant open? Have they had an efficiency expert in there to find out how they could reduce their power usages and still maintain an operable business?
Why does Charter have TV where you get 15 minutes of a TV show with 15 minutes of commercials? And they're all Charter commercials most of the time.
I'm calling in response to the Speakout on May 13 that says every story has two sides. I wonder if this person who put this in here, if that would have been their son if they would have thought differently about what they said. Just because he had been arrested 13 times doesn't mean he deserved to die like he did.
Mike, do you still like roller coasters? I want you to take a drive. I want you to drive from Kelly High School around on D out toward the Cargill grain elevators. Man what a roller coaster ride. If you go about 60 miles per hour you can really get a thrill!
I'm answering this "Merge when you can." Sir, madam, or whoever you are, yes, one of these days these people are gonna killed. I know the law, because I've been driving for 50 years. I know that you have to merge at Scott City, but they need to move their fannies over so we can go on before we run out of pavement. This has happened to me and I've seen it happen to other people because these people do not move over in the passing lane so we can get on. We pay taxes just like these truck drivers and other people do. You try getting on up there and see how it works for you. Someone is gonna get killed up there. I know the law that you need to yield, but the law is also that you need to move over when you can and let other people on. We're not crying, we're only complaining. You go try it.
I'd like to say something about that Amtrak crash they had. Seems like they have more of them Amtrak crashes. They need to close that mess down or get some engineers that have some sense. Every one they've had they've been doing 100 mph and hitting a curve or something. If they can't get anybody but idiots, then they need to shut the place down.
Hey, East Prairie, Mo., I want to comment about the commissioners' report. I've been down that toll road a few times, and I tell you, it looks like Sanford and Son, the one on TV. People, ya'll better call them commissioners and do something because they make all the other people clean their yards up. That town of East Prairie, Mo., that guy talking about his neighbor's trashcans, he needs a couple of dumpsters on his place so he can clean up his junk.
Wheeling around in Blodgett. The people of Blodgett don't mind the riding of 4-wheelers and golf carts if you don't speed. And be sure to stop at all stop signs, not only for your safety but for others. And regarding the tree trimming, yes, it looks great. I would like to also thank the mayor who was working with Mr. Russell to clean up the trees.