Michael Jensen is my all time favorite writer. I've enjoyed reading his brilliantly written articles for years. However, I sincerely disagree with his position on food stamps and controlling what less privileged families eat for dinner.
For starters, thank you for your kind words. But please reread that particular column for some clarity. I said repeatedly that the food stamp program is essential and that if the current policy is not providing the necessary solution, then we should increase the program. I have no desire whatsoever to monitor the purchasing habits of those receiving this assistance. I do despise those who fraudulently use the taxpayer-funded benefits in a manner that is inappropriate.
I don't understand why people in the United States are so surprised that there is still racism in the United States. There always has been racism in the United States. And the way it looks now, there always will be. There's always people that think they are better than the others, and it's always gonna be that way. Nobody around here is ever equal.