Local clothing drive will help local homelessness programs

Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Bridgett McKinney, homeless project case manager for DAEOC in Sikeston, loads one of the last few bags full of used clothing picked up from Goody's in Sikeston Wednesday. Store employees and customers filled two vehicles with donated used clothing for those in homeless programs at DAEOC in Sikeston. Photo by Scott Welton, Staff


SIKESTON -- A clothing drive organized at a small business in town will make a big difference to local homelessness programs.

The clothing drive started July 10, according to Hannah Sindle, manager of the Goody's in Sikeston.

"This is the first time we've ever done the clothing drive like this," Sindle said. "All of our stores were doing clothing donation drives. Each store got to pick a place they wanted to donate to and for Sikeston we all got together and picked the DAEOC building."

Brittany Long, a supervisor at Goody's, suggested those in programs at the Delta Area Economic Opportunity Corporation would be good recipients.

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