I would just like to say kudos to M. Burnett's article in the paper. Right on, right on.
I would like to give the lady praise for the article "It's time for America to come back to God." She should hold a high public office in the land of America. And her message should be in every pulpit in churches of Christian faith. Have we soldiers of Christ waited too long? As it stands now, in God's own time, America will pay the price. God bless
Yes, it's time to speak up and stand up! Not stand down as in Ferguson and Baltimore. Time to speak up and stand up when a runaway Supreme Court overrides the will of the people in state after state. Time to speak up and stand up when an extreme left machine led by our Commander in Chief continually divides a nation and does not protect its people. Under his regime, we have become the Divided States of America. Time to speak up and stand up when God-fearing, law abiding citizens are tagged as bigots and intolerant when the very people accusing are the same. And as far as our National Republican leadership - where are you? Why don't you speak up and stand up? Senator Roy Blunt and Congressman Jason Smith, where is the will in the Congress to do the right thing, stand firm and stop the disregard for our Constitution and its people? Yes, it's time to speak up and stand up. Mike, your column was spot on. Now where is the leadership to lead our nation in a constitutional fashion? If not us, then who? If not now, when?
I would like to speakout about these home care workers not showing up at their clients' homes on time. These clients depend on these workers to prepare their meals, laundry, shopping, whatever they need done. And don't ever treat them like family cause they sure won't do nothing then. I would love to see it where workers are not allowed to work in a home no longer than two years at the most. That would put a stop to this fraud. And I would love to see all companies who do home care to call in. That's all I have to say about that.
East Prairie had five valedictorians this year. No, you didn't see them on TV because KFVS said you could only have three. How do you pick three out of five - so no one went. These kids worked hard all their lives to make good grades and they should be recognized.