August 1, 2015

On June 25, 2015, The Greater St. Louis Area Boy Scout Council dedicated the new Trading Post at Camp Lewallen near Silva, Mo., to honor the late Michael Keathley from Dexter. This special dedication was held during summer camp and a luncheon was provided for the family, honored guests, and many friends and scouters...

by Randy Graves, Daily American Republic and Yvonne Keathley, Bernie Banner
The Greater St. Louis Area Boy Scout Council recently dedicated the new Trading Post at Camp Lewallen near Silva to honor the late Michael Keathley from Dexter. Pictured at the ceremony are: from left, Council Scout Executive Ron Green, Paul T. Combs and Jerry Paul Combs from Kennett, Yvonne and Bob Keathley parents from Bernie, Lt. Governor Peter Kinder, and Jim Eckhoff, Greater St. Louis BSA Council.
The Greater St. Louis Area Boy Scout Council recently dedicated the new Trading Post at Camp Lewallen near Silva to honor the late Michael Keathley from Dexter. Pictured at the ceremony are: from left, Council Scout Executive Ron Green, Paul T. Combs and Jerry Paul Combs from Kennett, Yvonne and Bob Keathley parents from Bernie, Lt. Governor Peter Kinder, and Jim Eckhoff, Greater St. Louis BSA Council.

On June 25, 2015, The Greater St. Louis Area Boy Scout Council dedicated the new Trading Post at Camp Lewallen near Silva, Mo., to honor the late Michael Keathley from Dexter. This special dedication was held during summer camp and a luncheon was provided for the family, honored guests, and many friends and scouters.

Jim Eckhoff from the St. Louis Council welcomed everyone. Special guest and longtime scout friend of Michael's was Lt. Governor Peter Kinder. He told of some of the adventures they had shared as scouters as well as events in Jefferson City where Michael was the State Administrator. Bob Keathley, Michael's father, gave a short talk about him saying that he applied his scout ethics in all parts of his life. Mr. Keathley also thanked the people who helped pulled this event together including Mark Graham, Randy Graves, Joe Sadewasser, Jared White, and Ronda Smith. Ron Green, Scout Executive, gave thanks to all who had come to spend a day in the sun and honor a scouter. He also reminded all the visitors that others had helped with the building of the Trading Post.

Two of these who were there were also longtime friends of Michael's -- Jerry Paul Combs and Paul T. Combs, both from Kennett. The ribbon cutting of the Michael Keathley Trading Post took place with family members and friends watching.

Family members present were parents, Bob and Yvonne; brothers Ron Keathley from Las Vegas and David Keathley from Dexter; nephews Nolan Keathley from St. Louis and Garrett Keathley from Dexter; niece Hannah Keathley from Memphis; and Marie Quinn, an aunt from Dexter.

Some of Michael's scouting honors were Eagle Scout, Virgil Honor and the Founders Award of the Order of the Arrow, District Award of Merit, James E. West Fellowship Award, Silver Beaver Award, Vice President of the Southeast Missouri Council, and Board Member of the Greater St. Louis Area Council. Keathley did the Philmont Ranch hike many times and attended several National and World Jamborees.

He also obtained and served on the Adult Woodbadge training program. He had received his God and Country Award.

Michael had served many years at a teenager working at Camp Lewallen. The plaque which was presented to the family will be placed in the Trading Post along with a shadow box showing some of the badges and awards he had earned. Michael was a graduate of Bernie High School and was valedictorian of his class. He was a graduate of Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn.
