August 21, 2015

The Portageville Youth Soccer program is back for its second season. This year, we've expanded the program to include current kindergarten-3rd grade students. Both boys and girls are invited to participate. The registration fee is $25 per player. Included in this fee are team shirts and socks. In addition to these items, each player will need to furnish the following:...

The Portageville Youth Soccer program is back for its second season. This year, we've expanded the program to include current kindergarten-3rd grade students. Both boys and girls are invited to participate.

The registration fee is $25 per player. Included in this fee are team shirts and socks. In addition to these items, each player will need to furnish the following:

*Shin Guards (required; for safety, shin guards must be fully covered by socks)

*Athletic Shoes or Cleats (rubber baseball cleats may be worn, provided the toe cleat is cut off)

*Athletic shorts

* Size 3 soccer ball for K-1st grade; Size 4 ball for 2nd-3rd grade (recommended, but not required)

Practices will begin the week of August 30. Games will be played on Saturday mornings and one evening per week (Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday) beginning September 12. The season will conclude by October 24. Each team will play an 8-9 game schedule.

Player registration forms were sent home to parents through the local schools. Additionally, forms are available at Portageville City Hall. If your child would like to participate, return the completed form and $25 registration fee to the school office or city hall by Wednesday, August 26. Make checks payable to Portageville Park Board.

Those seeking further information about this program or who are willing to coach or assist in some way may contact Todd Higgs at 391-0727 or
