SPEAKOUT (471-6636)

Monday, August 24, 2015

Donald trumped debates

I watched the debates. It's with no doubt Trump won. I wouldn't vote for any of the others. They are for the rich. Rand Paul is a smart ass. He needs to quit trying to be president. We didn't want him last time, and sure don't want him now. Rubio is for war. We don't need him. Bush, we certainly don't need another Bush in office. He wants to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security just like the last Bush. He doesn't care for the elderly or the poor. Graham is childish or something or has Alzheimer's. He is not really qualified. He does some ignorant things. I'm glad that Donald Trump tells them all and has the stuff to tell them. We need him. He tells the truth.

Speak for yourself

The woman on the debate who is running for president, I've never heard of her before. She wasn't respectful. All she did was run Hillary Clinton down. She called her a liar and everything she could think of. I thought she lost out when she did that. That was disrespectful. We don't want to hear that. They wanted to down Obama and Hillary. I hope Trump will change to Independent. The rest of them may as well drop out because he will win. When you get on a debate, you tell what you will do and what you stand for. We already know about Hillary. They ran that in the ground. Also, Obama, his time is about up. Forget that. They won't do any different. They won't do anything they say they will do. So why get up there and run everybody else down, slam them and they're no better. They should tell what they are gonna do and leave everybody else alone.

Justin time

Thanks to Sikeston DPS Officer John Tomaszewski, and YMCA staff Brandy Mason, Chris Hodgkiss and Eric Chappell. You all went above and beyond to put a pair of Justin boots back on a little girl's feet. Your dedication and kindness are appreciated more than you know.