SPEAKOUT (471-6636)

Friday, September 4, 2015

Tacky, tacky, tacky

What is wrong with these people in Sikeston where they mow their yard in the direction that it throws the grass into the street? All they need to do is turn it around and throw it in the other direction. It makes the neighborhood look tacky. Last year there was a law against it, but now policemen just drive right on through and watch them throw it in the street. It makes for a tacky looking neighborhood.

Oops, you cottoned Nell

Would the person that toilet papered my yard make sure what house you have? I am 77 years old, have just had open-heart surgery, and now someone will have to be hired to pick all this toilet paper up. I'm not able. Be sure next time.

Like football, not hip-hop

Good evening. I would like to go to high school football games, but I just can't stand to listen to hip-hop, shoot-a-cop music six blocks away from it.

Teeth, TV and foul language

I'm calling about the elderly person wanting her teeth fixed on Medicaid. She can go to the SEMO Health Network and they will fix her teeth. I would also like to know where you get your TV guide. So many times I have looked at your TV guide and you have been wrong. You have a lot of things new that are repeats and a lot of things that you have as repeats are new. I would really like to know where you get these. And also, so many times I have seen where people have left very foul language in SpeakOut and I'm very disturbed about it. I've called in about this a couple of times, and you've never printed mine. And I am a Christian. I never call in a foul language. I've seen this several times in SpeakOut where there are very bad cuss words. I don't understand. I very well thank you for printing my speakout. God bless you and have a good day.

The TV guide is Gracenote out of Queensbury, N.Y.

Cat snatcher

This is to who is taking my cats on Second Street. I want you to know that most of them have been rescue cats and are family pet. My 13-year-old daughter is very upset. They are not friendly cats to strangers so I know they are having to be trapped. I just want you to know that I'm not happy with you taking my cats and you are a sad, sad person.