September 19, 2015

SIKESTON -- The City of Sikeston's two-week fall cleanup, which gives residents an opportunity to dispose of bulky rubbish during their regular solid waste pick-ups, begins Monday. Residents with Monday and Thursday trash collection will have their fall clean-up opportunities on Monday and Thursday. Those with Tuesday and Friday solid waste pick-up will have their fall cleanup collections on Sept. 29 and Oct. 2...

SIKESTON -- The City of Sikeston's two-week fall cleanup, which gives residents an opportunity to dispose of bulky rubbish during their regular solid waste pick-ups, begins Monday.

Residents with Monday and Thursday trash collection will have their fall clean-up opportunities on Monday and Thursday. Those with Tuesday and Friday solid waste pick-up will have their fall cleanup collections on Sept. 29 and Oct. 2.

Residents needing to dispose of yard waste may contact Sonny's Solid Waste at 471-2869 or Moore at 475-3725.

For this story and more, see the weekend edition of the Standard Democrat.
