St. Eustachius Fall Festival

Friday, October 30, 2015
On Wednesday, Oct. 21, the St. Eustachius Home and School hosted a Fall Festival in the Parish Center for all the school children and their families. There were lots of games, concessions, a cake walk, a book walk for different grade levels and a raffle with several items donated by local businesses. It was a great night of fun and fellowship. A special thanks to Southern Loop, 'Tis the Season, Stephanie Greenwell Photography, Legacy Equipment, River Road Tees, Rustic Roots, Bean Farms, Brandi Creasy, Hayden Pharmacy and Tomlin Trucking for donating raffle items. The event was a great success because of the parents and grandparents who volunteered to run games, served food and brought their students to enjoy a fun-filled evening.

On Wednesday, Oct. 21, the St. Eustachius Home and School hosted a Fall Festival in the Parish Center for all the school children and their families. There were lots of games, concessions, a cake walk, a book walk for different grade levels and a raffle with several items donated by local businesses. It was a great night of fun and fellowship. A special thanks to Southern Loop, 'Tis the Season, Stephanie Greenwell Photography, Legacy Equipment, River Road Tees, Rustic Roots, Bean Farms, Brandi Creasy, Hayden Pharmacy and Tomlin Trucking for donating raffle items. The event was a great success because of the parents and grandparents who volunteered to run games, served food and brought their students to enjoy a fun-filled evening.

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