Area county officials discuss 911 options

Friday, October 30, 2015
Officials from Scott, Stoddard, New Madrid and Mississippi counties gathered Thursday to discuss some of the common problems they face - primarily the rising costs of operating 911 systems and the dwindling funds. Among those attending are, from left: Scott County Commissioner Dennis Ziegenhorn, Mississippi County Commissioners Mitch Pullen, Darrell Jones and Presiding Commissioner Carlin Bennett, New Madrid County Presiding Commissioner Mark Baker and Commissioner Tom Bradley. (Jill Bock, Staff)

SIKESTON - They may represent different counties but they all want the same things - the best way to meet citizens' needs while making the best use of the taxpayer's dollars. To do just that, the county commissioners from Scott, New Madrid and Mississippi counties along with representatives from Stoddard County gathered Thursday to discuss a regional approach to a common problem: 911.

Scott County Commissioner Dennis Ziegenhorn held up his cell phone, saying, "Here is the problem. People don't have landlines anymore. Something has to be done."

Currently 911 in the four counties is funded through a tax on telephone land lines, but not cell phones. As more and more people own only cell phones, revenues have dropped.

"We are drowning in 911 debt," said Scott County Presiding Commissioner Jamie Burger. According to Burger, last year Scott County transferred $305,000 from the general revenue funds into funding 911 services in the county while this year, he projects the county will add $310,000 to the $151,300 received from taxes on land lines to operate its 911 system.

Burger said in discussions with Mike Marshall, who works with the Delta Regional Authority, Marshall suggested there may be money available through the DRA for regional consolidation of 911 operations.

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