November 13, 2015

CHARLESTON -- The Charleston R-1 School District is opening its father-involvement basketball event to let students and fathers from neighboring schools and towns shine with them this year. The annual "Dunkin' with Dads (And Other Important Men)" will be from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday at Charleston Middle School, 1012 S. Main St. Preschool-aged through eighth grade boys and girls and their dads or male role models from other schools and surrounding schools are also invited to attend...

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CHARLESTON -- The Charleston R-1 School District is opening its father-involvement basketball event to let students and fathers from neighboring schools and towns shine with them this year.

The annual "Dunkin' with Dads (And Other Important Men)" will be from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday at Charleston Middle School, 1012 S. Main St. Preschool-aged through eighth grade boys and girls and their dads or male role models from other schools and surrounding schools are also invited to attend.

"I don't know how many opportunities -- whether in the school or the community-- that let dads and male role models shine," said B.J. Babb, parent liaison for Hearnes Elementary and Charleston Middle School. "I would suspect it's not as many as one would think. But this (event) is one of those."

Babb said the event is a great opportunity for fathers -- and father-figures -- to be the stars. He was also quick to point out everyone, regardless of gender, is welcome and invited to attend this event.

"The event seeks to celebrate fatherhood, teamwork and Charleston R-1 sports," Babb said. Some children may not have father figures or they may have a youth pastor or uncle from a different town so we leave the door open for anyone."

There will be activities, pizza and refreshments, door prizes and open-gym basketball. The event, which is a product of Title 1 Parent Involvement Program is open to the community, and all students must be accompanied by an adult.

"Once they arrive, we'll have them all sit down in the commons, and they will listen to our guest speaker," Babb said. "The speaker generally speak about the importance of fatherhood and male role models."

"Dunkin' with Dads" will feature guest speaker Alfred Marshall, former high school football coach and a member of the Marshall family who have been longtime supporters and contributors to Charleston R-1 athletics.

Then there will be a break for open activities, Babb said.

For the complete story, see the Sunday edition of the Standard Democrat.
