JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- Barry Bean, of Gideon, was elected to a two-year term on the Missouri Farm Bureau (MFB) board of directors during the organization's 101st annual meeting December 8 at the Lake of the Ozarks. Bean will represent District 6 in the southeast area of the state.
Bean received a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee, and did graduate work at Memphis State University. He also attended the Memphis Cotton Exchange International Cotton School. He is currently president of Bean and Bean Cotton Company, which buys cotton from Missouri producers and gins and sells to buyers around the world. Bean also farms with his son and brother, raising cotton, rice, wheat, milo, soybeans and corn. In addition, he is a partner with Rose Cotton Report, a daily online analysis of the cotton market. He and his wife, Vicki, have two grown children.
Bean is a member of the Dunklin County Farm Bureau board on which he is vice-president and chairman of the Scholarship Committee. He is a member of the MFB Cotton Committee and has served as its chair. He also has been a member of the MFB Resolutions Committee, FARM-PAC Review Committee and the American Farm Bureau Cotton Committee.
Other agricultural organizations to which Bean belongs include the Memphis Cotton Exchange and the Cotton Producers of Missouri. He is also involved in community activities and serves on the Pemiscot County Vocational Technical School advisory committee and is a member of the Caruthersville Arts Council and the Missouri Alliance for Arts Education.