December 17, 2015

1 Peter 3:13-16 addresses three elements of the Christian answer in a world of confusion, frustration, and tension. How is a Christian to be ready to answer those who would ask a reason for the hope that lies within him? There must be a sincere trust in Christ which names Him as Lord and reverences His presence and power, a Christ-centered training, and then boldness to stand and speak our testimony. ...

1 Peter 3:13-16 addresses three elements of the Christian answer in a world of confusion, frustration, and tension. How is a Christian to be ready to answer those who would ask a reason for the hope that lies within him? There must be a sincere trust in Christ which names Him as Lord and reverences His presence and power, a Christ-centered training, and then boldness to stand and speak our testimony. This article focuses upon this spoken testimony or witness that we all need as followers of Christ.

This witness is reasonable. Peter tells us in verse 15 " ready to give a...reason...". The word translated "reason" is logos, implying a carefully thought out and reasoned explanation. So much teaching and witnessing today is nothing more than unrelated scriptural texts and religious cliches. May we "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, " (2 Timothy 2:15).

This witness is also reliable. It gives a reason for "...the hope that is in you..." (Verse 15). The message of the Bible is one of hope. The patriarchs in the Old Testament looked forward in hope, the Psalmist sang in hope, and the prophets preached their flaming messages in hope of the coming Messiah. Then Jesus did come on that Christmas night and the world has never been the same. Hallelujah! Jesus came, lived, died, rose again, and ascended back to heaven and one day He shall return to consummate all things. That message of hope brings radiance and relevance to a world that is lost and hopeless! Ours is a message of hope and may we never forget it. Tell someone that God loves them and that Jesus saves. God loves you and so does First Baptist Church.
