I am against changing the name of Main Street to Martin Luther King Drive or Boulevard or whatever. Why don't they go down in Sunset and name a street after him down there? I don't think there's ever been a road named John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Why don't you name it John Fitzgerald Kennedy or John Wayne Street if you're gonna change it? Or Elvis Presley Boulevard? Something like that. If these people would get out and get a job, they wouldn't have to raise all kinds of Cain about everything that don't go their way.
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I would like to respond to all the comments on renaming Main Street. First of all, Martin Luther King was an extremely honorable man. He wanted equality for all men, no matter your race. I saw on TV where a woman said it would help "her" people. That's not what Martin Luther King stood for. Naming a street in an up and coming neighborhood would make more sense. Main Street is for all of us, not just one race as the woman wanted. Also, I would like to say I wish people would rethink their stand on Hillary Clinton. How would they feel if she covered up, and I might add knew she could have helped those people in Benghazi? What if this would've been your loved ones? Do you really want someone who would abandon your family in the military or serving in another country?
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I'm calling in about the person who called in about Roosevelt Road. I don't know if that person is aware of it or not, but you have the right to honor anybody you want, whomever you want to honor. So if you want Roosevelt honored, get off your butt, get you some people together and get out and march. Or otherwise, shut your mouth!
Garage sales and yard sales will be coming up soon. Me and my daughter, we collect your leftover garage sale items. We will furnish the bags and boxes to pick the stuff up. You don't have to do nothing. We will pick it up free of charge. All you have to do is call us at 380-6821.