February 18, 2016

I was saddened this week to hear of the death of Antonin Scalia, perhaps the most conservative Supreme Court justice serving on our nation's highest court. Our hearts and prayers go out to the Scalia family and friends during this time of heartache and grieving. He was truly a great American...

I was saddened this week to hear of the death of Antonin Scalia, perhaps the most conservative Supreme Court justice serving on our nation's highest court. Our hearts and prayers go out to the Scalia family and friends during this time of heartache and grieving. He was truly a great American.

Already questions are being asked concerning who will be nominated and confirmed to replace him. This all happens during a most momentous time in our nation. Losing such a staunch defender of the Constitution and of the liberties that we enjoy as Americans highlights again the great importance of this election cycle.

In Matthew 22 the apostle records a confrontation that Jesus had with the Pharisees and the Herodians. They wanted to know whether or not it was lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not (22:17). Jesus said, "Show me the tax money" (22:19). When they brought him a denarius he asked them, "Whose image and inscription is this?" (22:20). They said in verse 21, "It is Caesar's." Jesus responded, "Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's" (22:21).

What, as Christians, do we owe to our constitutional government? Our government is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. We owe taxes to our government and we pay them. But the most important thing that we owe to our government is our voice and our vote. Sadly, many Christians fail to provide their voice through their vote. American Christians have the right and God given responsibility to vote. And may I add that when we vote as Christians we should not vote for politics, or a party, or a person, or a policy, but we should vote for principle. We find out what is right from the Word of God and we vote according to God's principles.

I want to encourage you to register to vote, if you have not yet done so, and then be an informed voter. Learn the issues and apply God's principles and vote according to those principles. These are serious times and it's time that those of us who are Christians begin to act like it. Stand up and give your voice for America. May I say, "God bless America, land that I love, stand beside her and guide her through the night and with the light from above." God bless you and God bless America! Remember that God loves you and so does First Baptist Church.
