February 22, 2016

Lions Club International Second Vice President Bob Corlew, right, stopped at Lambert's to have lunch and meet with Lions from the southeastern district of Missouri. Pictured greeting Corlew are, from left, Carolyn Tetley, Vern Griffin, Dan Obermark and Cassidy Obermark. The world's largest service organization, with more than 1.3 members, the Lions Club has members in 208 countries...

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Lions Club International Second Vice President Bob Corlew, right, stopped at Lambert's to have lunch and meet with Lions from the southeastern district of Missouri. Pictured greeting Corlew are, from left, Carolyn Tetley, Vern Griffin, Dan Obermark and Cassidy Obermark. The world's largest service organization, with more than 1.3 members, the Lions Club has members in 208 countries.
