January 2016
Monthly Report
Fire Department
City Incidents- 0
Rural Incidents- 4
01-05-16: Firemen responding- 05; Location- I-55 at MM 33; Grass Fire.
01-06-16: Firemen responding- 07; Location- 1249 Co. Hwy. 314; Camping Trailer Fire.
01-13-16: Firemen responding- 06; Location- I-55 at MM 32; Tractor-Trailer Overturned.
01-22-16: Firemen responding- 04; Location- I-55 at MM 33; Tractor-Trailer Accident.
First Responders
City Incidents- 2
01-13-16: Responders- 01; Location- MAgnolia Manor; Lift Assist.
01-22-16: Responders- 09; Location- Lakeview Apartments; Search for Missing Person.
Rural Incidents- 0
Mutual aid- 0
Extrications - 0
The regular monthly meeting of the Portageville Fire Department was held January 25, 2016 at the Portageville Fire Station with 10 members present. Training session: Chief Foster went over Standard Operating Procedures for the fire department.
signed, Bill Foster, Chief