Update on the Portageville Chamber of Commerce

Thursday, March 24, 2016

At the last meeting, Thursday, March 10, the ad hock committee went over the proposed bylaws and made a few changes. A revision with the changes are to available later.

They also decided on a dues structure and agreed on a flat rate of $50 for individuals, and $100 for businesses. The logic is that these flat rates are simple and easy to communicate and sell to potential members. Also, given where the local economy is right now, the committee did not feel it's fair or reasonable to ask some businesses to pay hundreds of dollars in dues like New Madrid does. When the Chamber grows to provide that level of value to the community, they can alter the dues structure to reflect that.

It was decided that before committee go about electing directors and officers, it would be best to hold a membership drive luncheon. At which time, new members can sign up, see who all is interested in helping out. JoBeth Williams graciously took the lead on this. The luncheon is scheduled for lunchtime on Thursday April 7. It'll be at the Red Building, and lunch will be donated by Subway. Williams and Brown are working on a list of potential members, and we'll be mailing out invite letters soon. They will also make a Facebook event and pass out flyers.

Along with the membership drive, the committee simultaneously wants to get started on the Soybean Festival. It was agreed to pick an ag-related theme.

A membership drive luncheon for the Chamber of Commerce will be held on April 7. It will be held in the Red Building at Meatte Memorial Park from 12 noon-1 p.m.

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