June 16, 2016

I would like to know when the government is going to step up and keep these little old gals from having babies. They get child support. They get food stamps. They get WIC. They get all kinds of stuff and they don't even buy good food with their food stamps, they just buy junk!...

Who's your mama?

I would like to know when the government is going to step up and keep these little old gals from having babies. They get child support. They get food stamps. They get WIC. They get all kinds of stuff and they don't even buy good food with their food stamps, they just buy junk!

In with good, out with the bad

What's up with all these young people who think they're entitled to free college and other stuff? They think the rich people owe them a living. The Bible says if you don't work, you don't eat. I'm not talking about people who are disabled and can't work. It's the government's place to take care of those who are unable to work. And now you have this president and Ms. Hillary Clinton who is wanting to allow all of those refugees flood in here on us. We don't know who those people are. We can't even take care of our own. Mr. Trump is the only candidate that's trying to keep the bad people out of our country. Regardless how you may feel toward Mr. Trump, he's for protecting our country. That's more than I can say about Ms. Hillary Clinton. We better wake up before it's too late.

High school grass

I passed by the high school this morning on Ables Road and noticed the yard wasn't mowed. Limbs were hanging down. It really looked tacky. I don't see why our school can spend the money on the Ipads but they can't spend the money to mow the lawn. And I'd like to add, maybe if they had taken the lowest bid on their employees' insurance, they might have the funds to mow their grass.

Gas fumes

Mike, these towns around here are totally ridiculous on the gas prices. When you can come through Jackson, Mo., and get gas for $2.02 a gallon and you drive down through here, they've all got it from $2.17 a gallon to $2.39 a gallon. That is pathetic. They need to get their stuff together.
