The residents of Portageville will soon notice an increase on their City water and trash bills effective July 1, 2016. The increases were approved last Monday by the Portageville Board of Aldermen in their first of the month regular council meeting at City Hall.
Currently, the base water bill is 9.11 per gallon used. The new base price will be $9.56, a five percent increase. The current use of 1,000 gallons of water is an additional $3.11 per gallon used. The new price for the use of 1,000 gallons of water will be $3.26 per thousand gallons, also a five percent increase.
"It has been 12 years ago since there has been an increase on the water bill," according to Alderman Vince Berry.
Also, on that same bill many will notice an increase on their trash increase of $1.50 or 10 percent.
Additional prices that will increase for for larger items. (See inset)
"We have looked into other options as far as trash service, but our own city crews can and do offer the same, in not better service, than an outside service would," said Alderman Berry.
There will be a ten percent increase on dumpster usage as well. A two-yard dumpster will be $66 per month. A four-yard will go up to $132.00 per month and a six-yard dumpster will increase to $192.00 per month. These increases will be in line with the State of Missouri.
Price list for trash pick-up
Couch/chair (per item) - $15
Hide-a-bed couch - $25
Twin Mattress -- Now $15
Full Mattress -- Now $20
Queen Mattress -- Now $20
King Mattress -- Now $25
Small Appliances, ex. Microwave, TV, etc -- $10
No Large Appliances
Construction/Remodel, no shingles, paint or chemicals - $15 per item of $55 per truck load.
Cleaning out residence -- Starting price $100 per truck load with a $300 deposit. Final price will depend on number of loads picked up.
NOTE - Any items not used will be charged at the City's discretion. All pick ups must be paid BEFORE the item will be picked up.
In other news regarding the new drainage system that was put in place earlier, but has collapsed in several places. As of now it remains in litigation between the engineering firm and the contractor as to who will pay to have the problem corrected. "It cost about $60,000 to have the new drainage pipes replaced. It will cost about $80,000 to dig up and replace," said Alderman Berry.
"We continue to pay attention to the weather especially if a hard downpour is expected. Our street department are one call when they may have to move water across the street, he added.
For more information about the new prices, you play contact your Board of Aldermen, or come to the July meeting, set for Monday, July 11.