JEFFERSON CITY -- A follow-up report on findings from a December 2015 audit of Pemiscot County has been released by Missouri state auditor Nicole Galloway.
The initial report gave the county an overall performance rating of "poor," the lowest rating giving by the Auditor's office. A poor rating triggers a follow-up review to confirm whether selected audit recommendations have been implemented.
Auditors identified ten findings for follow-up in Pemiscot County. Recommendations for five findings had not been implemented, and no specific plans had been made to act on those recommendations. Three recommendations had been completed, and progress had been made toward completion for one other recommendation. Officials partially implemented one recommendation.
"County officials have taken steps forward, particularly by working to improve budgeting decisions and strengthen the county's financial condition," Galloway said. "However, there is still work to be done in a number of offices to improve procedures and ensure taxpayers funds are protected."
For the full story, see the Monday, June 27, 2016, edition of the Standard Democrat or view our e-edition.