I would like to say that as big as Sikeston is, the only place that has chocolate ice cream cones is the Sikeston Dairy Queen. Not McDonalds, Sonic, Burger King, Wendy's. Please you other places, think about putting chocolate ice cream in.
This is a new school year, and new high hopes of great high school players. This is to moms and dads that have sons or daughters that you think are the best players in their sports and will be great and move on to be another LeBron James, Peyton Manning or Derek Jeter. It's not going to happen. Get an education. Because if you do make it, there is 50 years of life after sports. Only one injury could just make you a regular person. A few facts are: 10 percent of high school players get scholarships to college, less than one percent of college players go pro. And less than one-half of a percent go pro out of high school and that is in baseball. A note to parents that are encouraging their sons in football any way you can. You're not helping them. You're putting a target on their back. They may be high school players, but the other team will try to put that player out of the game or out for the season. Think about that moms and dads. The higher you go, the bigger guns they use to bring you down with. This won't change a thing because parents think this won't happen to my kid.
Hello people of Sikeston. Please take your old campaign signs down. Your'e losers. You lost. Take your loser campaign signs down. What is wrong with you people?
Hillary Clinton wants to allow anyone affected by gun violence crimes to be able to sue the gun manufacturer. This will no doubt put the gun manufacturers across the nation out of business.
I have had two chihuahuas taken off my premises Aug. 12. It happened at nighttime between 7 and 8:30 p.m. I would like for them to return them back to the property where they belong. And have a nice day. The chihuahuas are Chico and Fifi. They need to be returned back to my house on Hart Street.