Cancer free! - That's my story, sticking to it!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Mrs. Sandra K. Poole

There is a song that has the lyrics, "I fought the law, and the law won!"

Sandra Kay Poole of Portageville can claim, "I beat Cancer and I won!

In talking with Mrs. Poole, she will tell you it has been a rough and emotional time, but with her faith the the Living Lord, who is bigger than anything in Life took her plight, her prayers and healed her of Breast Cancer.

She explains, In February 2007, she went to a free breast examination conducted by DAEOC through the Pemiscot Memorial Hospital. For whatever the reason, whether human error or equipment error, they ended up doing two mammograms and ultrasounds, and costing her $300. There was a lump the size of a silver dollar standing up sideways. She was told to come back in six months and take another ultrasound and see if it has grown any.

In August 2007, she got a job at the Portageville School District and was then able to have insurance.

In October, she received a letter from Pemiscot hospital saying she needs to come back and do another test. There is a big lump and in the breast and it needs to be looked at. Then her free $300 breast examination came to her mind and wondered what to do, and how to pay for this.

With the recommendation, Mrs. Poole went to A+ Family Clinic and met with Lorna Turnage. With their help and advice, Poole sought medical treatment at the Cape Care for Women.

Rev. Eugene and Mrs. Sandra Poole

For the rest of the story, please see this week's print edition now on the stands.

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