Electrical Safety taught to Ross Elementary students

Saturday, November 12, 2016
Starting off the presentation was Laura Klipfel, Customer Service Advisor for the area. She talks about the different ways that electrical power is generated. Klipfel explains there are six ways that can be used to generate electricity. Hydro, Wind, Solar, Nuclear, Coal, and Renewable or Landfill gases. Assisting her making the presentation is Eric Tanner, lineman.

Last Friday at the Ross Elementary school, one would think that there was a power outage in the area.

Actually, Ross Elementary Principal Douglas Dunn invited Ameren Missouri Utility company to demonstrate the importance of electrical safety to his students.

There were three sets of students that got to come and see the demonstration. "We had to divide our students into three groups so that all of the students could watch the demonstration up close," Dunn said. The first group were the Kindergarten through Second, then third and Fourth, and lastly fifth and Sixth.

Lineman Eric Tanner chats and answers questions with the first group of students, the Kindgarten through Second grades.

The Ameren Missouri Utility Company brought down at least four bucket trucks and a large generator on a trailer to product the power generated in the demonstration. Additionally, on another truck was a trailer carrying two mock power poles made for these demonstrations. At the end of each session, was a brief time for questions and answers for the young students.

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