December 8, 2016

In his gospel Matthew tells us in Chapter 1:23 that the Angel said "they shall call his name Immanuel which translated means, God with us." This is the miracle of miracles. This is the wonder of wonders. This is the truth which should rivet the attention of all Christendom. Surely the angels of heaven looked down upon this earthly scene and marveled at the absence of human marvel at the glorious truth that the infinite one clothed itself with humanity...

In his gospel Matthew tells us in Chapter 1:23 that the Angel said "they shall call his name Immanuel which translated means, God with us." This is the miracle of miracles. This is the wonder of wonders. This is the truth which should rivet the attention of all Christendom. Surely the angels of heaven looked down upon this earthly scene and marveled at the absence of human marvel at the glorious truth that the infinite one clothed itself with humanity.

Christmas is the time when we focus upon the incarnation in a greater way than any other time of the year. Jesus has come. He lived and he died a sacrificial death for all. He is still with us through his Holy Spirit whom he sent when he ascended back to the Father in heaven. He has promised to never leave us or forsake us. Make him the focus of everyday, of every celebration, and every family gathering this Christmas season. Merry Christmas! Remember that God loves you and so does First Baptist Church.
