January 20, 2017

SIKESTON -- During a special meeting Thursday, the Sikeston R-6 Board of Education approved language for a bond issue that, if passed by voters on April 4, will allow the school district to construct, improve, furnish and equip a new elementary school building...

SIKESTON -- During a special meeting Thursday, the Sikeston R-6 Board of Education approved language for a bond issue that, if passed by voters on April 4, will allow the school district to construct, improve, furnish and equip a new elementary school building.

"The input gathered from our district's town hall meetings was used to create the proposition. We want to thank the community for your participation in those meetings and for your input during the straw-man proposal period," Superintendent Tom Williams said.

Here are a few key points in the proposition:

-- No tax increase from the current 21-cent debt levy

-- New elementary building for students which will include a separate safe room/gymnasium, cafeteria and rooms for art, music and testing/conference areas

-- Provide students with a safer and more efficient environment in which to learn

-- Potential for future building projects within the district

The following is the exact language which will be placed on the April ballot:

"For the purpose of constructing, improving, furnishing, and equipping school sites, buildings and related infrastructure, including constructing, furnishing and equipping a new elementary school that will include a multipurpose building/safe room and dedicated spaces for art, music and other special classes, shall the Board of Education of the Sikeston R-6 School District borrow money in the amount of $11,000,000 and issue general obligation bonds for the payment thereof? If this proposition is approved, the adjusted debt service levy of the District is estimated to result in no tax increase and therefore remain unchanged at $0.21 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation of real and personal property."

Those with questions should contact Williams or any of the administrators at the board office.

"We are very excited for what this will mean for our students and staff in the near future," Williams said.

Check the weekend Standard Democrat for more information about the bond proposal.
