SIKESTON - It was recycling at its best.
Instead of being sold as surplus property or dismantled as junk, several dozen bicycles found by officers with the Sikeston Department of Public Safety and unclaimed by their owners have found a new purpose. The bicycles were donated to the John J. Pershing VA Medical Center to be given to military veterans.
The effort was spearheaded by Sikeston DPS officer Daniel Adams, who saw a post on Facebook asking for bicycles for vets. Adams' suggestion went before the Council late last year and on Friday the bicycles were loaded on a trailer and taken to Poplar Bluff.
Patricia Hall, director of the John J. Pershing VA Medical Center, said the bicycles will be given to the veterans in the homeless program and those who are unemployed.
She called the bicycles life changing for those veterans.
"For those who can not drive or don't have car, these will enable them to go to and from work, to and from school and really open up opportunities in their life," Hall said. "We have had some wonderful success stories about how donating a bicycle to a veteran and giving them mobility can positively influence their life - get them back in a job, back in the community."
While not the first donation of bicycles for veterans, Hall called it the biggest that she is aware of. She expected Friday's donation from DPS will solve some immediate needs and future needs as well.
"This is going to be life-changing for veterans from the Mississippi (River) to West Plains who have transportation needs," Hall said.
Capt. Jim McMillen, DPS public information officer, described the program as a good cause that will benefit more from the bicycles than if they were sold at auction.
"The sacrifices that our veterans have made for our freedoms cannot be measured," McMillen continued. "Many have given their lives and others still carry the physical and emotional scars with them each day. They deserve much, much more than this small gesture... but we are honored to do it for them."