MISSISSIPPI RIVER DELTA – The Delta Regional Authority (DRA), in partnership with leading national arts and government organizations, today announced it will invest $309,000 in the Delta’s arts and cultural sectors to stimulate economic and community development efforts across the Mississippi River Delta region and Alabama Black Belt. These investments will enhance the quality of place of Delta communities and improve quality of life for the 10 million people residing in the eight-state region.
DRA is providing seed investments for 16 projects, alongside public and private sector partners bringing nearly $1.6 million in total investment to the eight states.
Since February, DRA has partnered with leading national arts and government organizations to ensure the success and long-term sustainability of its creative placemaking initiative by providing Delta communities with access to subject matter experts and additional resources. Partners include: The Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI), Art of the Rural, the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Association of Counties (NACo), the National Association of Development Organizations, McClure Engineering Company, Springboard for the Arts, ArtPlace America, the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, and the Smithsonian Institution, among others.
"RUPRI and Art of the Rural are honored to partner with DRA in this groundbreaking initiative," said Charles Fluharty, President and CEO of RUPRI. "Our nation's leading rural economic and community development visionaries are recognizing that quality of life is becoming one of the most critical sources of rural wealth, and DRA is leading the way."
“NACo is thrilled to be a partner on this initiative, which highlights and advances the assets and creative placemaking of the counties and cities located through the Delta region,” said Linda Langston, Director of Strategic Relations for NACo. “Through these efforts communities are strengthened, relationships are built and place is celebrated. The more we work together on these efforts, the greater our impact. Thanks to DRA for embracing these partnerships and innovative efforts.”
The City of Caruthersville is one of 16 cities to receive funding from this.
Caruthersville will receive a total Investment: $53,440, with $25,000 coming from DRA. In partnership with the Caruthersville Area Arts Council, the city will renovate the Exchange Building in the downtown corridor to establish a cultural arts center and business incubator for Caruthersville and the surrounding region.

“The Delta Regional Authority is setting a national standard with its all-hands-on-deck approach to community development,” said Jamie Bennett, Executive Director of ArtPlace America. “Through the Delta Creative Placemaking Initiative, public funding, private investment, local government, the arts and cultural sectors, business owners, entrepreneurs and other civic leaders are coming together to develop and enact their shared visions for equitable and prosperous futures across the Mississippi Delta Region and Alabama Black Belt. We are eager to learn from these projects and share their successes as part of the national conversation.”
This summer, DRA and its national partners held six technical assistance workshops across the region to help community leaders better align the arts and cultural sectors with their existing economic and community development strategies, and support revitalization of downtowns and main streets. In addition to the seed investment, awardees will also receive up to 50 hours of technical assistance, mentoring, and coaching to advance creative placemaking efforts in their communities.