January 18, 2018

During the December mid-month meeting held on December 18, Mayor Denis McCrate introduced Ordinance No. 1264: This ordinance would DISCONTINUE AND VACATE an alley that runs east and west between Lesieur Avenue and Meatte Avenue between Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,5,6,7,8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, AND 14 of Block 42 OF DeLisle's addition to the City of Portageville...

During the December mid-month meeting held on December 18, Mayor Denis McCrate introduced Ordinance No. 1264:

This ordinance would DISCONTINUE AND VACATE an alley that runs east and west between Lesieur Avenue and Meatte Avenue between Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,5,6,7,8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, AND 14 of Block 42 OF DeLisle's addition to the City of Portageville.

Mayor McCrate entertained a motion for the First and Second Readings of Ordinance No. 1264. Motion was made Alderman Berry and seconded by Alderman James, motioned passed. Ordinance 1264 was passed and introduced into the Ordinance Book.

Mayor McCrate asked if the Council had reviewed the new Vacation! Sick! Holiday Policy and the Credit Card Authorization Policy. Discussion followed. The new policies will be placed in the newly implemented employee handbook and become effective January 1, 2018.

After the City County had approved George DeLilse as the new Fire Chief, Delisle approached the Council concerning SCBA Packs for the Portageville Fire

Department. Due to battery leakage damaging the control panels, there are currently only four working air packs. There is a piggy back offer with the City of Cape Girardeau, Missouri that would allow the Fire Department to purchase 12 MSA air packs at a discounted rate. Chris Hamlett reviewed the current and proposed new equipment. Discussion followed. Mayor McCrate asked for a motion to allow the Fire Department to purchase the 12 MSA air packs with the City of Portageville paying $10,000.00 down, the Portageville Fire Department paying $10,000.00 down and financing the remaining $51,138.00 over a five-year period. Alderman

Staffey made the motion and Alderman Berry seconded. All members voted in favor.

Mayor McCrate informed the Council that the City had received an Earthquake Insurance Renewal from Ellington Insurance Agency; however, he felt there was some unnecessary items covered under the policy that may be increasing the price of coverage. Alderman Berry proposed that the Finance Committee would also review the Earthquake Insurance Renewal and return their findings at the next regular meeting.

Mayor McCrate presented the Employee Handbook that Alderman Berry had submitted for review. Terry McVey, City Attorney, stated that he had reviewed the handbook and proposed a few changes. A copy of the updated handbook will be available at the next meeting for review.

Officer Daniel Johnson approached the Council stating that citizens had been contacting the police department with concerns of speeding down residential streets in the City of Portageville. He requested that the Council purchase a radar gun that uses laser waves to accurately pinpoint the speed and distance of a car. During the month of December, the price including training is $1295.00. Mayor asked for a motion to purchase one radar gun for the Police Department.

Alderman Staffey made the motion and it was seconded by Alderman Berry. All members voted in favor.

On Monday, December 4 during the regular monthly meeting, Portasgeville Police Chief Ronnie Adams Chief and Officer Freddie Hill approached the Council concerning a Juvenile Processing Office. Discussion followed. One of the offices in tbe northern area of the Police Department will be made into a Juvenile Processing Office as soon as possible.

Officer Hill informed the Council that the price of a recent drug test for a Workman's Comp related incident with an officer exceeded $600. Discussion followed. It was determined that due to costs, Officer Hill will be certified and trained on how to administer drug tests for Workman' s Comp related incidents. All pre-employment drug screenings will still go through A+ Family Clinic.

Chief Adams presented the Council with webinar training information through Local Gov. Six officers are needing 24 hours of certification before the end of the year. Mayor McCrate asked for a motion to allow the employees to take the webinar for $87 per person. Motion was made by Alderman Berry and seconded by Alderman Staffey. All members voted in favor.

Mayor McCrate informed the Council that he had researched the amount of money that the old 1 Ton truck would be worth. Hayes Auto Salvage stated that they would give

$200 for the truck, while Delta Auto Parts and Salvage stated they would give $400. Alderman Berry made a motion that we sell the 1 Ton truck to Delta Auto Parts & Salvage for $400. Alderman James seconded. All members voted in favor.

Joey Walters wit6h the Street and solid Waste Departments said that three lights on Highway 162 in front of McDonald's were not working correctly, and that he would like to replace them with LED lights for approximately $250.00 each. Mayor McCrate asked for a motion to buy three LED lights. Motion was made by

Alderman Staffey and seconded by Alderman James. All members voted in favor.

Mayor McCrate then introduced Ordinance No. 1264:

This ordinance would call for the regular City election for the purpose of having the qualified voters elect and Alderman for Ward I and II and a Municipal Judge.

After the first and second reading for Ordinance 1264, motions were made and passed.

McCrate asked for a motion regarding employee health insurance. Alderman Berry made a motion that the Council go with Swinford & Associates-United Healthcare Choice Plus Balanced AXBJIRx548 plan with a deductible of$2500 and an out of pocket o f$5500. Alderman Doering seconded. All members voted in favor.

McCrate presented the Council with an email that was received from GovDeals concerning the police car that was recently sold. The lights were removed from the vehicle and

were not shipped with the car. The buyer asked for the lights before bidding and was informed they went with the car. It was determined that the lights would be shipped to the buyer. He then approached the Council concerning a speed sign being placed on Brown Acres Drive that was requested by Michael Kellams. Discussion followed. A 25 MPH speed sign will be placed on Brown Acres Drive. No vote was necessary.

Mayor McCrate informed the Council that he had received the signed deed for the former Delta Data property and that he would take it to the New Madrid County Recorder of Deeds within the week.

Alderman Staffey stated that he had been approached by concerned citizens about the burning of leaves inside city limits. Discussion followed. It was determined that as long as there is no burn ban set in place by the Portageville Fire Chief and the materials being burned were all natural debris, then it was fine to burn inside city limits.

After voting to close the regular session and into Executive Session, the Council discussed the salary of the Municipal Court Judge. Alderman Staffey made a motion to raise the Municipal Court Judge from $500.00 per month to $800.00 per month beginning May 1,2018. Alderman Doering seconded. Mayor McCrate asked for a roll call vote. Motioned passed.

The Council then discussed personnel matters. Alderman Berry made a motion to allow the Highway Patrol to open an investigation into the possibility of fraudulent purchases within the city. A motioned was made and passed.
