
New administration promises new hope

Saturday, December 31, 2016

As we enter this new year, a majority of Americans feel better about the future than they did in the past. Most of that improvement obviously is the result of a shocking election and the massive changes in governmental philosophy that lies ahead.

But this changing attitude is much more than just an election result, though you can't discount that important outcome.

I think that at long last millions of Americans believe their voices were finally heard. After an eight-year nightmare that still puzzles many of us, there seems to be hope and promise ahead that long-ignored segments of American society have someone to champion their values and goals.

Though many of the changes in the federal approach under our soon-to-be former president have no direct impact on our daily lives, the promised changes ahead go deeper than mere executive orders and runaway spending.

It's no exaggeration to say you can honestly feel a change in attitude about the future. Those who ignore this improving attitude sadly still cling to a host of lies and broken promises that will clearly be the failed legacy of this administration.

The path ahead will not be easy nor swift. The disrupters of civility will remain as agitated and irritated as always. One election will not change their goal of upending social order.

And though change is surely coming, we should not expect miraculous changes overnight. Granted, our favorites in the mainstream media will begin to moan almost immediately branding campaign promises as false.

But we have learned to ignore those biased talking heads and be patient and optimistic that in fact changes are around the corner.

It's impossible to view these sea changes outside of the political realm. Our lives do not revolve around issues impacting the federal government. Our changes are much more local and closer to our personal lives.

Yet in the background is this distinct promise of better times ahead, of more personal freedom and less government interference. And at the core of that fundamental change is the assurance that the providers in our society will get the recognition that has been piled on those who don't provide to society.

Our soon-to-be former president spent eight miserable years trying to "level the playing field" but as is abundantly obvious, tilted that field away from the backbone of this great nation.

The new year promises more hope and opportunity than we can imagine. But to achieve those lofty goals Americans need to unite behind a new direction and a new day.

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