Pollard recognized for 30 years of service to Matthews/Brunt family

Sunday, May 7, 2017
Carletta W. “Corky” Pollard reacts after being presented with a plaque.
Leonna Heuring

SIKESTON -- The Robert S. Matthews family recently honored an individual for providing 30 years of extraordinarily loyal service to them.

Carletta W. "Corky" Pollard was recognized for 30 years of devoted loyal service to Matthews Farms Inc., Four Corners Development Co. and three generations of the Matthews/Brunt families.

"On behalf of the Matthews and Brunt family, we've had the most extraordinary 30 years with Corky Pollard that could ever be imagined," Scott Matthews said. "This is one of the most special people that's ever been placed on this planet. ... She is not retiring, but I just wanted everyone to know how much we appreciate her."

Carletta W. “Corky” Pollard, who was recognized April 27 in Sikeston for 30 years of of devoted loyal service to Matthews Farms Inc., Four Corners Development Co. and three generations of the Matthews/Brunt families, visits with friends. Pictured are, from
Leonna Heuring

Matthews then presented Pollard with a plaque as Pollard served as the guest of honor during a special luncheon April 27 in Sikeston.

After Matthews' remarks, Pollard said she was completely surprised by the recognition. She even thought her employers had forgotten her 30th anniversary working for them, which was April 24.

"I didn't think he remembered. I really didn't think he remembered at all," Pollard said of Matthews.

Pollard's family and friends along with work acquaintances from area banks and title companies gathered for the celebration.

"There are so many people who know her and love her," Matthews said as he looked around the room full of people.

Also on hand for the occasion were Pollard's daughter, Candy Ellis; son-in-law, Jeff Ellis; and grandson, Alex Ellis, were also on hand for the occasion.

"She is just wonderful. I'm proud of her," Candy Ellis said of her mother.

In the past 30 years, Pollard's family and the Matthews/Brunt families have become like family.

"She joined us about 10 years before my dad passed away, and she's known two generations of our family. ... She's seen four generations of us and she still stays with us. ... They just don't make 'em like Corky anymore," Matthews said.

It's truly family, he said.

"It's so fun when you get to watch her kids grow up, and she gets to watch our kids grow up," Matthews said.

Dr. Elizabeth Matthews Brunt said Pollard is wonderful person.

"She's been a blessing to our business -- and our family," Brunt said.

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