__Hawley should be charged__
I’d like to speak out about Josh Hawley. He put in the paper that Cory Hutcheson committed homicide by the boy getting killed in jail before he ever had the doctors check out the boys records to see if he died from overdose on drugs with the disease he had. He’s trying to ruin the boys reputation. And what happened to the deal with the speedy trial and all this? It don’t look like he knows his law because you’re innocent until proven guilty and he’s saying he’s gonna keep Cory Hutcheson out of office. He’s sure doing his darnedest. Sounds to me like he’s in with the drug lords and wanting to keep Cory from putting any more drug dealers in jail. And now he’s going after Greitens. That woman, he hadn’t been proven guilty and he’s done wanting to get him impeached. Maybe the Democrats are paying him hard and heavy because Greitens and Hutcheson both are Republicans. And this woman jumped up so many years later and decided since he’s governor that she needs to press charges against him? I think there needs to charges pressed against Josh Hawley. He’s the crooked one of the bunch. Thank you for letting me speak out.