
These are the worst of times for Greitens

Saturday, May 5, 2018

I’ve tried to give Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens the benefit of the doubt on the two legal issues he is facing. And I still profess that he is innocent until proven guilty.

On that, I believe we can all agree.

But courtrooms, judges and attorneys aside, the damage to our state’s reputation and the constant media turmoil have combined to doom Greitens’ political future in Missouri.

Greitens is a dead man walking. The prospect of a special session of the Legislature, designed solely to consider his impeachment, is the final blow in a sordid and sad conclusion to a once-brilliant political future.

Greitens may well survive his upcoming trial over the mystery photograph allegedly taken during an extra-marital affair. The prosecutor’s case is full of holes and there’s ample evidence of shady dealings from the liberal prosecutor’s office.

If — and that’s a big if — Greitens survives the trial, he will then have to answer for an apparent campaign violation with the use of donor list acquired by questionable means.

Though we often believe that the devil is in the details, I believe it matters little how this saga ends in the legal arena.

Greitens has lost most of his support from within his own party. That is the big story here.

It doesn’t take a political junkie to see the writing on the wall.

Greitens was never the darling of the Republican party in Missouri. He campaigned as an outsider in an election that yearned for an outsider.

But in doing so, Greitens created a political nightmare with strong opposition from the Democrats and lukewarm support from the GOP. Actually, lukewarm at best.

To compound his problems, he believed that he had the power to work independent of his own party and rarely listened to the voices whispering in his ear.

That independent streak may work in the best of times. It is a death sentence in the worst of times.

These are the worst of times for Eric Greitens.

When we think of a shady politician, we tend to think of an elected official somehow stuffing his pockets with taxpayer money.

That was never Greitens’ problem.

Instead, his healthy ego and his willingness to operate on the fringes of the law combined to make our Governor an ideal target.

And when enough people are shooting at that target, someone is bound to hit the bullseye.

History — both near and far — will not be kind to Eric Greitens. He can boast of few legislative achievements that might help diminish the current storm. And all that will remain will be the memory of a sordid affair.

In my mind — and understand, I am prejudiced — Greitens’ major achievement was the appointment of Drew Juden as our state’s Public Safety Director.

It’s doubtful that smart move will be enough to save our Governor.

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