__Why no obituaries?__
I live in New Madrid. I would like to know why our Standard Democrat newspaper does not have any obituaries in it. I see them in the Sikeston Standard Democrat but I don’t see them in the New Madrid. Can you tell me why? Thank you.
The Standard Democrat is delivered for free in Sikeston on Wednesday but the Democrat Advertiser is the newspaper delivered for free outside of Sikeston. There are no obituaries in the Democrat Advertiser. It is a compilation of a week’s worth of stories from the Standard Democrat. To get access to our obituaries you can subscribe at 471-1137.
__Paper delivered too late__
I would like to speak out concerning my Standard Democrat paper. It was 10 after 6 when I got my paper tonight. I don’t normally go outside that late. I think we need a new paper carrier for Morehouse. This is in Morehouse. I didn’t get my paper until after 6 o’clock. Thank you for letting me speak out.
You can call our circulation department at 471-1137 and they can take care of your concerns.