
Saturday, August 11, 2018

Trump has gotta go

Trump needs to go. Either he is lying or he can’t handle the job.

Why do we need a new interchange?

Sikeston City Council. We already have one new Interstate 57 interchange accessing Mr. Matthews cotton field or future development. Why is it a high priority project to build a second interchange accessing the same cotton field? Why not build the new interchange west of Walmart at Southwest Street, then extending west to Hennings and Stallcup Street? Let’s give the west end of Sikeston growth, revenue and traffic for a change and not just tear it down. Thank you.

Russia owns Trump and we pay for it

This is why it’s important to see presidential candidates tax returns. Russia owns Trump and America is paying the consequences.

Remember the Golden Rule

Karma … it’s a funny thing … Everybody in every position should remember that! Treat everybody the way you want to be treated in any situation.

Time to ban Dicamba

I’m calling about Dicamba. It’s bad enough our gardens and fruit trees are being destroyed but if things stay the way they are there won’t be an oak tree in Southeast Missouri. I have a 10-year-old oak tree that is struggling and you can see damage on my older oak trees as well. If people would just slow down and look at the damage being done to our plants and trees and not counting our drinking water and the air we breathe maybe our politicians would take notice. Arkansas banned Dicamba for a reason. Anyone can call the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services and voice their complaint. Their phone number is (573) 751-6102 or toll free at (866) 628-9891. Please call. It’s for all of us and our future as well.