
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Trump is smartest president of all time

Yes, I would like to speak out to that person who put this in the paper that Trump, our president of the United States of America, is ruining our country. Our country has been ruined now for the last eight to nine years because we had Mr. Obama in there, you understand that? President Trump has been ridiculed. He’s went in there and his family has been ridiculed. He has done no more than talking about making fun of other people. Look what they’ve done to his family. Making fun and poking fun. I don’t know why President Trump even wants to be our president. He has been crucified from day one by the Democrats. The Democrats have spread nothing but hate. Hatred and discord among the American people and they are still doing it. Why can’t they open up their eyes and see the truth. This is the smartest president that we’ve ever had in office. They ought to open up their eyes and see that. Obama, what did he do for our country? He done nothing for our country. Nothing. And to let all those people enter this country illegally? Hey President Trump, go for it. Build that wall because I tell you what, we need our country back. Them people can take care of themselves and we’ll take care of ourselves. Thank you for letting me speak out.

We are not a democracy

A democracy. I’m 77 years old and three times in my life I have lost my vote to the electoral college. And according to the Webster Dictionary, a form of government, by the people or through where elected representatives rule by the majority is who’s picking our president. We don’t have a true democracy. A true democracy is one man, one vote and the majority of the people pick the candidate. So why are we being told we have a true democracy when we don’t? We have an electoral college. Why don’t we just say we have an electoral college instead of saying we have a democracy. Seventy-seven years of my life I have finally found out that our government ain’t really true telling us the truth. Also, back in the days when all this took place, only the rich could afford to drive their buggies to where ever the caucuses was to vote. So the rich and the greedy have always controlled the election. I think it’s time the rich and greedy don’t get that chance anymore because you can’t pass gas in Florida that they don’t know about it two seconds later in New York. They might not smell it but it’s happened and they know it. I really hope people would take a look at the big, white elephant in the room and how they’re getting screwed over. I really thank you for letting me speak out because I hope before I die I see a change in this.