
Studies in Grace, Part 4 - Limitless Grace

Friday, September 28, 2018

Let me state in the strongest terms possible that I believe it was never God’s plan to limit grace to Christ. I wholeheartedly support the biblical doctrine of grace flowing from the Father through Christ toward humanity. Grace finds its origins and source in God alone. My plea centers on the purpose of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling. Because the third person of the Godhead lives in each Christian, we can draw on the Holy Spirit’s power to transform us into vessels of transmitting Christ’s grace to our impoverished world. We must love others, not only in our words and in great acts of compassion and understanding, but in small ways as well. Let me describe four practical expectations you can anticipate as you get a firm grasp on grace.

First, you can expect to gain a greater appreciation for God's gifts to you and others. What gifts? Several come to mind. The free gift of salvation. The gift of life. The gifts of laughter, music, beauty, friendship, and forgiveness. Those who claim the freedom God offers, and walks in that liberty, gain an appreciation for the gifts that come with the sharing of the exchanged life believes share with Christ.

Second, you can expect to spend less time and energy being critical of and concerned about other’s choices. You will find it to be a refreshing relief? When you get a grasp on grace—when you begin to operate in a context of freedom—you become increasingly less petty. You will allow others room to make their own decisions in life, even though you may choose otherwise. You learn to trust the Holy Spirit to do the work that’s necessary for God’s will to come to completion in the other person’s life.

Third, you can expect to become more tolerant and less judgmental. Externals will not mean as much to you. You'll begin to cultivate a desire for authentic faith rather than endure a religion based on superficial performance. You’ll rest knowing that performance is the Lord’s concern, ours is to walk in obedience in the power of the Spirit. You will find yourself so involved in your own pursuit of grace, you'll no longer lay guilt trips on those with whom you disagree.

Fourth, you can expect to take a giant step toward maturity. As your world expands, thanks to an awakening of your understanding of grace, your maturity will enlarge. Before your very eyes, new vistas will open. It will be so transforming, you will never be the same. You’ll never give up your liberty in Christ for the powerless demands of the pharisaical minded who offer a broken cistern in an attempt to please God.

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