October 11, 2018

A part of God's revelation comes to humanity generally. This is referred to as "general" revelation. This revelation comes to us in creation. This revelation clearly reveals God's existence, power, wisdom, and goodness, yet it is not sufficient for man's salvation nor the meeting of his spiritual needs. A "special" revelation of God is needed. This article briefly observes some major aspects of this "special" revelation...

Dr. John Compere

A part of God's revelation comes to humanity generally. This is referred to as "general" revelation. This revelation comes to us in creation. This revelation clearly reveals God's existence, power, wisdom, and goodness, yet it is not sufficient for man's salvation nor the meeting of his spiritual needs. A "special" revelation of God is needed. This article briefly observes some major aspects of this "special" revelation.

First, God's "special" revelation is given in the Bible. To be sure, the Scriptures acknowledge the fact and soundness of God's "general" revelation in creation. But the major emphasis of the Bible is on "special" revelation. Another name for this "special" revelation is "biblical" revelation. This is because God's "special" revelation is virtually indivisible from the Holy Scriptures. So, the Christian possesses two records of all God's revealing work; God's general revelation contained in creation and God's special revelation recorded in the Bible.

A second truth to be observed concerning "special" revelation is that it comes to us by supernatural means. This means that God makes himself known by intervening supernaturally in the events of history and nature. In extraordinary ways God breaks through in the natural course of life.

What are the supernatural means by which God reveals himself? One of these is miraculous acts in history, or we might say, God acted supernaturally before the eyes of man (John 1:14). Another means by which God reveals himself is by supernaturally giving words of truth. He has spoken to the ears and mind of man supernaturally (Heb 1:1).

Special Revelation is needed because sin blinds man so that he cannot see God in nature (Acts 17:23; Eph 4:17 – 19). Sin also causes man to willfully distort what he is able to see (Rom 1:22 – 25). Another effect that sin has upon man is that it brings guilt, condemnation, and separation from God (Rom 3:19, Eph 2:12). In order for man to be restored in his fellowship with God and forgiven of his sin God must act in some supernatural way. God does this in "special" revelation (Rom 1:16 – 17; John 1:18).

This leads to what is the main purpose of "special" revelation. The main and primary purpose of "special" revelation is the redemption of man. In "special" revelation God acts and speaks in order to restore broken and fallen sinners from their sin and its deadly consequences. Because sin blinds man so that he cannot see God nor fellowship with God, "special" revelation has the purpose of giving man a true knowledge of God and restoring fellowship with him (2 Cor 5:18 – 21; Eph 2:12 – 13). If you are not Christian I pray that you will see in the Scripture that God loves you and will save you from your sin and forgive you and make you one of his very own children. By grace through faith you can receive him into your life today. He loves you and so does First Baptist Church.
